Nn3 refers to N scale three foot narrow gauge model railroad equipment and track.
This is the Nn3 Frequently Asked Questions file. Most of it is a compilation of information that I have rooted out from various sources. There is an Nn3 email list, hosted by Garth Hamilton, and a lot of the information here has come from others on the list. With their permission, I have included the information here.
I hope you find what you need here, and if there are other questions that are not covered, let me know.
Rick Blanchard
Starting out
For general information on model railroading, N scale railroading, layout design, and other general information, check the FAQ files that already exist on the web:
Layout Design Special Interest Group Primer
Here are some other sites with goodies and information on Nn3:
Mark Fielder's British Nn3 Site
Roy Steven's RGS, featuring dual gauge and Nn3
Gauge, Sizes, and Clearances
Nn3 equipment operates on either hand laid rails or Z scale flex or sectional track. The track gauge is 0.250 inches (6.35mm) for three foot and 0.15 inches (3.8mm) for two footers (hand laid only).
Since the prototype cars and locomotives were physically smaller, the N scale equipment is smaller than standard gauge N scale. Locomotives are 4 to 5 inches long, boxcars are 2 to 2 1/2 inches long, and a caboose may only be 1 1/2 inches! Widths are around 1/2 inch and heights are around 3/4 inch.
In 1981, Tom Knapp, Bob Sloan, Keith Koch and Mark Wilson proposed the following standards (and others) to the NMRA:
Minimum gauge between rails: 0.250in. (6.35mm) Maximum gauge between rails: 0.260in. (6.6mm) Flangeway width, maximum: 0.025in. (0.64mm) Flangeway depth, minimum: 0.025in. (0.64mm) Flange height, maximum: 0.020in. (0.51mm) Wheel width, minimum: 0.053in. (1.35mm)Boyd Stere adds the following:
A few weeks ago, some email in the nn3 group got me started on investigating wheels. Listed below is a little chart that I did as a result. If anyone has further information that they would like to add, or corrections, that would be great. Tire Flange Tread Flange Width Depth Diameter Diameter NMRA Standard Gauge S-4 Standard .071 .022 RP25 Standard .072 .020 NMRA Nn3 Gauge (40") S-4 Standard .053 .020 RP25 Standard .054 .016 MicroTrains (plastic) .055(m) .033(c) .163(m) .196(m) Marklin #700810 .060(m) .050(c) .170(m) .220(m) NWSL 7415-4 (28" dia) .072(s) .020(s) .175(s) .195(c) Bachmann 4-4-0 tender .100(m) .059(c) .125(m) .184(m) Notes: (m) = measured with calipers (s) = manufacturer's specification (c) = calculated dimensionthe Proto Nn3 Group
The Proto Nn3 Group is an ad-hoc group with an interest in continuing efforts to model in Nn3 and open to sharing any information they know of or discover. The Proto designation just infers that prototype railroads are emphasized. The reality is that there are a rare few that choose to model in this scale and all news, information, tips, techniques and info on new releases is welcome. The list information is on the Nn3 List page.
Narrow Gauge Prototypes
The narrow gauge trains that wound through mountainous terrain and hauled out all sorts of timber, ore, and other products were often the only contact with the outside world for many folks on the edges of civilization. The equipment was diminutive and had a sort of folk charm about it that gave each railroad a unique personality.
There were hundreds of narrow gauge railroads (664 in the US in 1890, 23 more in Canada), from the Maine two foot gauge trains of the Sandy River and Rangely Lakes to the East Tennessee & Western North Carolina and East Broad Top in the south and northeast, to the very well known Denver and Rio Grande and Rio Grand Southern in Colorado to the Southern Pacific - Carson & Colorado in the west; and all the way up in Alaska you'd find the White Pass and Yukon Route.
For more information on many of the narrow gauge railroads, there is quite a lot of information here on the web. See my Links page for a comprehensive list of sites that I have found here so far.
The majority of this info is from Tobias Giles. I have made additions, and Manfred Curbach (mcurbach@Rcs1.urz.tu-dresden.de) has contributed as well.
There are now two OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturers) of ready-to-run Nn3 locomotives. Micro Trains released their C&S prototype B3C 2-6-0 Mogul in late 1997 - two roadnumbers, #6 and #10, on a Marklin chassis with highly detailed cast brass boiler and tender. MT trucks on the tender, MT Nn3 couplers on both ends. If you can still find one, the list was $499, and with a short discount the best seen in hobby shops was $445.
15901 Colorado & Southern #6 15902 Colorado & Southern #10 15903 Colorado & Southern #5 15904 Colorado & Southern #7There is also a beautiful brass K-27 as used on the D&RGW and RGS. Manfred Curbach has taken photos of this beauty and sends the following information:
"It is a K-27 of D&RGW and RGS. Several numbers are available. The detailing is very, very good. As a proof I am sending you these photos. For scale reference, the model is shown on a dollar bill."
["Currently, they offer three K-27 versions for the D&RGW and one for the RGS in a total production run of 300 of which over 100 are already sold." - Earl Shepard]
"The running properties are really excellent: a very smooth beginning, a good maximum velocity and - most important - it has an enormous inertia due to a large flywheel. After putting the voltage to zero it rolls from maximum velocity about 50 cm. Correct: 50 cm, not 50 mm."
"Price of the first run of this brass model was DM 1395,00." (As of 8/18/97 the exchange rate is US$1.00 = DM 0.55, for an approximate price of US$765.63. Contact Lok14 for the current price and shipping information.) The first run was sold out.
The producer is:
Lok 14
Oppenrieder Str. 37
D-81477 München
Tel. +49 89 26 42 16
Fax +49 89 26 92 94
"In the October 1997 issue of MIBA a test was published which I have performed. The link to their web-site is http://www.miba.de./". Note that the web site is in German.
These are now being imported by Tex N Rails; all models are $799.95 each. From Tex N Rails: These models are factory painted and have Microtrains couplers installed. Due to the limited nature of these releases, check with TexNRails for current stock. As of May 28,99 only 23001, 23004, and 23006 are available. They also carry some European prototype brass flat, ore, and excursion cars.
#23001 K-27 #454 D&RGW with flying letteringTHERE'S MORE!! COMING NEXT IN Nn3: D & RGW K-36
#23002 K-27 #456 D&RGW with flying lettering
#23003 K-27 #459 D&RGW with herald
#23004 K-27 #455 D&RGW with herald
#23005 K-27 #458 D&RGW with herald
#23006 K-27 #461 Rio Grande Southern
#23006 K-27 #455 Rio Grande Southern
"This loco will be fabricated from brass etchings and castings and will come equipped with micro-trains couplers. This ready to run k-36 is powered by a high quality faulhaber motor with low friction gears and a flywheel. Itıs a very limited run of 250 numbered pieces. The series will be available in winter 1999/2000 in the following versions:"
TNR 23008 D&RGW K36 #486 with dog house and flying D&RGW logo
TNR 23009 D&RGW K36 #487 with flying herald
TNR 23010 D&RGW K36 #488 with dog house and flying herald
TNR 23011 D&RGW K36 #489 with plow, dog house,and flying heraldRESERVATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED FOR THIS TEXNRAILS EXCLUSIVE!!!!!!PRICE TBA
There are no other OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturers) of ready-to-run Nn3 locomotives. Instead, most modelers purchase Marklin Z gauge steam locomotives and either scratch build the exterior or purchase a new exterior from Republic Locomotive Works (see below).
Märklin Mini-club locomotives Z Gauge (just a few from 1997 catalog)
8803 2-6-0 with 3 axle tender
Micro-Trains Z Gauge F-7 locomotives (for Shays)
8895 2-6-0 Tank locomotive
8896 2-8-2 Tank locomotive
8889 4-6-2 Express locomotive w/tender (very large driver wheels)
8806 4-6-4 Tank locomotive
14001 UP
Märklin mechanisms source:
14002 Pennsylvania
14003 New York Central
14004 SP
14005 Lehight Valley
14006 Western Pacific
14007 Santa Fe
Republic Locomotive Works
Glenn and Sandy Stiska in Florida occasionally have used mechanisms and parts that will work for Nn3. Depending on what they have found, you can get Märklin locomotives like those listed above that are useful for powering RLW kits, Gold Rush kits, and scratchbuilding; pilot and trailing trucks; pickup wipers; turnouts and other bits and pieces. Check with them if you need some odd bit to finish your masterpiece. Be sure to send them a photo of your finished work too - they'd like to see how it turns out.
Glenn and Sandy Stiska
1045 Porter Drive
Largo, FL 33771
email: stiska@idnsi.net
phone: 813-535-3819
Z-World often has current lists of equipment available from the Stiskas and others too.
RLW sells a variety of 3rd party conversion kits for narrow gauge steam (0-6-0, 2-6-0, 2-8-0, 2-8-2), shay and diesel shells, locomotive details, passenger and freight cars, & turnouts (code 40) for Nn3, as well as N scale appropriate era buildings. Far too many things to list here.
Here is a sample from a recent newsletter:
1) The Shay kit has been rereleased after some reworking and new molds.
2) Lima type sand and steam domes are now available for the Shay for $2.00 each.
3) Nn3 UTLX frameless tank car resin kit $13.95
4) 39' generic tank car 1920's to present $13.95
5) 38' skeleton log car 3 for $12.95
6) Cheswicks Emporium 2 story house $24.95
7) McCabe's Slash Burner $29.95
Republic Locomotive Works
16 Little Cape Horn
Cathlamet, WA 98612
email: rlw87@cport.comRolling Stock
30ft box cars
15100 Undecorated
15101 Denver & Rio Grande Western 3066, 3074, 3187, 3194, 3375
15102 South Pacific Coast 444?, 447?, 474, 478
15103 Oahu Railway and Land Co. 829
15104 Florence & Cripple Creek 588, 540
15105 Durango & Silverton 3749, 3410
15106 Colorado & Southern 8226, 8222
15107 East Broad Top 170
15108 Colorado & Northwestern 1026
15109 Virginia & Truckee 1013 (bogus - only std gauge cars on V&T)
15110 Montana Southern 500
15111 White Pass & Yukon 734
15112 Denver & Rio Grande Western 3270
15113 Rio Grande Southern 8512
15114 Austin & North Western 7049
15200 Undecorated
15201 Denver & Rio Grande Western, Flying Lettering 1245?, 1247
15202 Pacific Coast 1065, 1075, 1169
15203 Denver & Rio Grande Western, Herald 1551
15204 Colorado & Southern 4518
15205 Colorado & Northwestern 228
Flat Car (w/Stakes)
15300 Undecorated
15301 Southern Pacific 471, 472, 478, 480
Flat Car (without/Stakes)
15400 Undecorated
15401 N.C.O. (no number)
15501 Rio Grande Southern W0401, W0404, W0409 (w/one window cupola)
Only 0404 may be correct for prototype.
15701 Denver & Rio Grande Western 0584, 0585, 0587, 0588 (w/two window cupola)
Only 0585 and 0588 correct for prototype.
There are three basic radius sections: 145mm (5.7in.R), 195mm (7.7in.R), & 220mm (8.7in.R) along with numerous straight sections. There is flex track with 660mm (26in.) lengths (part number 8594). There are powered and unpowered left and right turn-outs (motorized, not powered frogs) available with 490mm (19.3in.R) radius, as well as curved turn-outs with an inner radius of 195mm (7.7in.R). Also there is a 13 degree crossing and a 13 degree double slip turnout available.
PECO has Z gauge Flex Track, code 60 nickle silver rail, available in 24 inch lengths. Catalog No. SL - 200.
Micro Engineering Company 1120 Eagle Road Fenton, MO 63026
Individual code 40 rail for hand laying
Larry H. Jones 2709 N.E. 12th st. Ocala. FL 34470
Code 40 Nn3 turnouts
Hand laying help
On my "da Trains!" web site in the data section are some templates for Nn3 turnouts and construction techniques that we use at the SDSONS club for hand laying code 40 rail and constructing turnouts.
Miscellaneous Equipment
904 Z scale 4 wheel passenger car truck (1 pair)
950 wheel sets 33" diameter (12 axles)
951 bettendorf trucks (1 pair)
952 archbar trucks (1 pair)
953 roller bearing trucks (1 pair)
954 bettendorf trucks with couplers (1 pair)
955 archbar truck w couplers (1 pair)
956 roller bearing trucks w/ couplers (1 pair)
961 diamond archbar truck
962 barber coleman archbar truck
957 wheel sets 26" diameter
901 two pair medium couplers
902 two pair short shank couplers
903 tow pair body mount
905 two pair of 903 assembled
Nn3 Photographs
Here are some photos of Nn3 equipment that has been sent to me. If you have photos of your work send me some scans and I will add them to the photo pages.
I have some links to various resources on the net of interest to Nn3 modelers, including some vendors and suppliers.
Magazine articles
Most magazines that cover narrow gauge railroads, such as the "Short Line and Narrow Gauge Gazette", have published a lot of information that is as useful for the modeler in Nn3 as any other scale. Here is a list of what has been published in the Gazette.
Books & Manuals
Eventually it would be nice to compile a list of articles and books on NG subjects. The ATSF list did this last year and now has a full list of everything published. Any volunteers?
For real, hands-on, starter books to Nn3, as opposed to the many narrow gauge history books, try the following:
Nn3 Manual 5th Edition by Robert Sloan and Ted Brandon/ NTRAK Publishing
A good how-to book on building Nn3 locomotives, turn-outs, rolling stock, buildings, bridges, and modules with numerous pictures, drawings, & diagrams. The new manual (4/99) brings everything up-to-date from the previous issue and adds many new articles. Also includes further resources for parts. 82 pages, $12.00 ppd checks (no credit cards).
Narrow Gauge Data Book by Robert Sloan / NTRAK Publishing
An A thru Z listing of US narrow gauge lines, each with articles and ample drawings of the rolling stock, locos, and passenger cars. More bridges and (numerous) building drawings in scale. Definitely a book to start brainstorming and selecting your railroad line from. 68 pages, $8.00ppd
NTRAK Publishing, 1150 Wine Country Place, Templeton, CA 93465.
Try a search on Kalmbach's Magazine Database with keywords like "narrowgauge".
Our club (SDSoNS)has a narrow gauge section, as does Belmont Shores.
Organizations and Historical Societies
Another good list to compile here. I know there are many out there, but need another volunteer to search them out and compile them.
Construction Tips
Good stuff we get off the nn3-list!
Tobias Giles starts us out with a description of converting Roundhouse Overton 34' passenger cars to narrow gauge.
Garth Hamilton has some instructions for creating the White Pass and Yukon DL535E diesels. There is additional info and some photos in Sloan's Nn3 Manual.
I have started a page to collect information on narrowing the Bachmann 4-4-0 locomotives. So far, Ted Brandon, Garth Hamilton and Roy Plummer have provided some tips for converting 4-4-0 locomotives to narrow gauge.
Anyone else have some stuff to share?
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