The colors of the depots of the ET&WNC were said to be "green with red trim".
This is modeled variously as a dull green or a brighter green or a green stain
and a dull red. We have found that the following mixtures do well, but you may
think them too dark and want to add some white; try one part white for each five
of colors as a start. These are all Floquil colors.
Dull Green - (Floquil)
Southern Green - 9 parts
Pullman Green - 2 parts
Brunswick Green - 2/3 part
Grime - 1 part
Some white (1-2 parts) lightens the green
Brighter Green - Southern Green
Dull Red - (windows and trim)
Floquil caboose red 110020 - 3 parts
Floquil caboose red 110088 - 1 part
You may want some white in it
Roof - Movies show a reddish color; we used the red above with more white in it,
but Grimy Black also fits - or you can darken or heavily weather the metal.
For the Gray of the gray and white scheme, I mixed
3 parts reefer gray
2 parts reefer white
and did the roof in the same gray.
For the Elizabethton Engine House the mixture here looks pretty good:
8 parts Caboose Red
3 parts D&H Caboose Red